Monday, April 9, 2012

My Comic Collecting / Kevin Smith Writes A Great Comic

When I was collecting comics in the 80's and 90's looking for  one book The 1976 giant sized Superman vs. Spider-Man comic which sent me to comic book stores and comic conventions in Hickory, Gastonia and Charlotte. While I was In the stores I bought a lot of comics and my favorite was The Amazing Spider-Man. I bought back issues I could afford and I got many before the prices exploded in the late 90's. 

I enjoyed looking for and buying comics, it's a great hobby. The stories were great too. I have all the books form The Black Alien Costume Saga starting in The Amazing Spider-Man #252. I learned a lot about the history of comics, which I had to talk to other collectors in person since this was before the internet. I bought books I liked and wanted to read, I wasn't buying for investment I was having fun which is what hobbies should be.

 I stopped buying comics after I bought all the comics I wanted or could afford not long after DC's Death of Superman was released. I never found the Superman vs. Spider-Man book but I did buy The Marvel/DC Collection - Crossover Classics trade paperback  which had the Superman vs. Spider-Man story along with many other crossovers. Sadly I lost that book due to fire.

Evil What Men Do
Spider-Man & Black Cat
Kevin Smith: Writter
Terry Dodson: Pencls
Rachel Dodson: Inks

The Black Cat first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man # 194 . I enjoyed the stories with the Black Cat  as Spider-Man's girlfriend and partner in the comics. To read about Black Cat checkout fan page

Kevin Smith started writing the 6 issue mini series Evil What Men Do in 2002 but due to an unplanned hiatus after issue #3 it wasn't finished until 2005. I didn't buy the original issues. I got Spider-Man / Black Cat: The Evil That Men Do trade paper back last week and read it over the weekend. Smith wrote without a doubt the best Black Cat story I ever read. The art work by Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson was Great too. This is a mature comic dealing with drugs and sexual abuse. Being a mature comic made it far different than Amazing Spider-Man comics in my collection and it was worth it. I urge you to find this book at your favorite bookstore or Amazon. You can also read it at Marvel Digital Comics. 

You can order signed issues from Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash

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